Resume rejected before interview-very high expectations shattered

Resume rejected before interview-very high expectations shattered

I got a call from my friend on Wednesday evening and asked if I could go for walk in interview. It was scheduled next day (Thursday) in Gurgaon. My friend told me to prepare technical questions which were expected in the interview.The time to brush my knowledge was very short. But it’s all about time management and stress management. My stars are generally not good. Whatever task I start, it is either not started or if it starts it is hung and task is not completed. Anyways I prepared for…

Now you can scatter ashes of loved ones in space

Now you can scatter ashes of loved ones in space

Believe it or not but now you will be able to scatter ashes of your beloved ones in the space. A British company Ascension Flights is planning to launch its first Ascension aircraft into the space that will cost UK pound 795(INR 68,000) onwards. The company was set up by two graduates from University of Sheffield, UK and spent last few years in experimenting by sending hundreds of items into the space. The remains will go up 36km (22 miles) and will be scattered on the outer atmosphere of Earth….

Landing job at coveted companies-Answer these bizarre questions

Landing job at coveted companies-Answer these bizarre questions

Must read for each one of you.. Want to land jobs at coveted companies? What does it take to be observed by these companies? You can land if you are able to answer some of the bizarre questions asked by CEO and other senior management of these companies that may force you to think out of the box. These questions are asked by super bosses to nail the right candidate. And you should be prepared for  a curveball. Some of the questions asked by the interviewee are given below. Questions …